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Scars (Map of Scars Book 1) Page 3

  “I understand this is a lot to take in, but you need to learn how to summon your spirit door before you leave. Can we please get back to that?”

  I hesitated to ask but there was something I needed before I left. It was now or never.

  “Before we continue with that can I ask for a favor?”


  It took all my courage to ask

  “Can you give me a name?”

  She looked directly at me and started to laugh.

  “Oh, you are adorable, you really have no memories of how the Fae work, do you?”

  “Am I supposed to?”

  “Well technically yes. We are reborn life after life, so you should have some memory of your past lives.”

  “Oh.” I sighed in a rather glum tone.

  “It's ok, that will come in time. Now back to your name.” She said as she started to lower the sleeves of her dress.

  “Do you see that?” as she pointed to what looked like a marking on her shoulder.

  “Yes, but what is it?”

  “It's old ogham script. That my dear is my name.”

  “I don't get it; you got your name marked on you?”

  “Not quite. Our bodies are connected directly to the realm of the deities. In other words, the goddess designs our fate. Our names and our paths are chosen for us.”

  “Do I have a marking?” I asked eagerly.

  “Yes. Many.”

  “Which means? I do have a name?” I was so excited. Finally, I can be my own person.

  “Let me see your back please.” She turned me over slowly as I slipped my arms out of my sleeves while being careful to hold the top half of my dress close to my chest.

  She ran her fingers down my spine and across my many scars. Embarrassed, I began to pull away, but she held me by the arms.

  “Don’t move. I am trying to read.”

  So, I guess she found something.

  “Please excuse all the scars, I know they are hideous to look at.”

  She giggled when I said that and continued to gently pass her fingers down my back.

  “These are not all scars; they are instructions sent to you by the goddess herself.”

  Instructions? How am I supposed to follow instructions that I can't even see? Whichever goddess thought of this plan really didn't think hard enough

  “How am I expected to follow instructions that I can’t see or read for that matter?”

  She ignored my negative banter.

  “Ah, yes. This is your first.”

  “My first?”

  “The script that describes you.” She explained.

  “And who am I.”

  “Oh my dear, the question you ask does not have a simple answer.” she proclaimed wide-eyed.

  “You are Aisling.”

  Chapter 4

  A name is given to a child while it is still an infant during its naming ceremony. This allows the child to have its own identity. However, a name is not as easily taken for the Fae. We are thrust upon a script that describes what our purpose is in the world. For example, if you have the pleasure of having the script of neart show on your skin as a youngling you will be forced into training to become a fierce fighter. Neart is the script for strength.

  While most only receive one script. I had numerous; it is said that the very first script to appear on your body is your fate sent to you by the gods.

  “What is Aisling? Why is it not simple? Can’t I have an easy name like yours?”

  “No, this name is very important. Aisling means dream or vision.”

  “Which means what exactly?”

  “It means the dreams you have or in your case nightmares are your past, present and future.”

  “But I can’t even remember my dreams half the time.

  How am I supposed to know what to do?”

  “In order to strengthen your power, you need to visit Hollow hill.”

  “And what’s that exactly?” I asked because clearly, I have no idea what she’s talking about.

  “Hollow hill is where the Tuatha de Danann live.”

  “The tata de what now?” I said, more confused than before.

  “The Tuatha de Danann, Or as I’ve explained the Fae.”

  “Oh, so that’s like where they live?” I think I’m understanding now.

  “That is our prison, we were forced to flee there during the war. For now, we are safe but once the church finds us, we will be forced to run again.”

  “There’s one thing I don’t understand. The church worships all the gods. In fact, the Goddess Danu is among them. So why are they so bad? Wouldn't they want to protect me if anything because I’m of her bloodline?” I asked

  “In normal circumstances, yes, but well over two hundred years ago they appointed a new leader. He was said to be a seer sent to the humans by Brigid the goddess of life. It was said that Brigid feared Balor was trying to take over the human race and sent the Fae as his army. This, of course, was not true.”

  “So the leader lied to gain power?”

  “Yes. Exactly, he was an evil man who would kill anyone and anything that stood in his way.” She explained.

  “Anyway, that’s enough of a history lesson for today. Now can we get back to your spirit door, please?”

  “I’m ready,” I said eagerly.

  All this new-found knowledge had me excited, I wanted to learn who I was and how to use my powers, Also I couldn't wait to start my journey.

  “Now concentrate, Clear your mind. If it helps, close your eyes and listen to your breathing. Take a deep breath, count to five, and let the air out of your mouth.”

  Following her instructions exactly I felt my mind start to wander.

  “Good, now imagine a door. When you open it you will see yourself, what’s hidden deep within.”

  I felt my hands start to shake, it was like a wave of energy emanated from me.

  “Open your eyes Aisling,” she said softly

  I opened my eyes slowly, blinking a few times to adjust to the light. What came into focus confused me more than anything.

  It was a large door made of bark from an oak tree, little traces of moss scaled the side. The tree felt so familiar, it let out a warm glow from the slit underneath.

  “Go on, open it. Don’t be afraid.”

  Hesitantly I reached for the handle made of a thick twisted branch and pulled the door open. A pleasant yellow glow illuminated the room, intrigued I took a step closer.

  “You will only see the memory once you step in and close the door.”

  “But how do I get out? What if something bad happens again?”

  “Just stay calm and remember this is only a memory, you can leave when you want to, just picture the door in front of you and it will appear.” I nodded and continued to step in making sure to shut the door behind me.

  The light began to grow brighter as I walked deeper into the void. I started to worry that nothing would appear until I heard giggling coming from ahead of me, I quickened my step and began to approach a young girl playing in a lake. No, not a young girl. It was me; I must have been around 3 years old.

  “Come play with me!” she called out.

  Looking around I saw no one around.

  “Me?” I asked my younger self. Can she see me?

  A branch came splashing down into the water right beside her. Without hesitation, she jumped onto it and started climbing to where there was a thicket of leaves. The branch slowly began to lift.

  “Higher! Higher!” She giggled.

  I started to run towards her in fear.

  “STOP!” I shouted

  “You're going to fall!” but to no avail, she couldn’t hear me.

  The branch stopped moving upward and started folding toward the tree.

  “Throw me! Throw me!” She shouted

  A deep comforting voice rumbled

  “Oh! Would that be fun?”


  “But if I throw you down into the lake from
this height you will surely hurt yourself.” the voice explained.

  I walked closer to the tree to get a better view of where the voice was coming from.

  “Oh please! I want to try and fly!” The youngling proclaimed.

  Giggling the voice replied, “Without your wings, I believe you will simply fall.”

  “No fair.” She began to pout.

  As I walked up to the trunk of the tree and looked up to where the young me was, I couldn’t help but rub my eyes. It couldn't be, I must be hallucinating.

  “Don’t be sad young one. When you are older you will regain your wings and soar through the skies.” He said, trying to cheer her up.

  The young me began to hug the tree, squeezing as tight as she could, and giving it a peck on its cheek. Yes, I saw that correctly, the tree has a cheek. In fact, it has an entire face. How do I not remember this? I watched as the tree put me back into the lake and began to shake a giant leaf off of the top branches.

  “Here youngling, wash up, you’ll need to head back to your village soon or your humans will be worried.”

  He said. Grabbing the leaf, she did exactly what was asked of her. Ok. Time to head back, I said as I imagined the door.

  Stepping back into the world was much easier this time. I didn’t run and slam my face into a wall so that’s a plus.

  “Cara! You wouldn’t believe what I saw!” I said overly excited.

  “Calm down child. Explain slowly so I can understand.”

  “Well, you remember the lake I always told you about, the one that I went to as a child to clean myself?” I asked, speaking faster than I could breathe.

  “Yes, and what about it? “

  “Well, there was this tree there, a big oak tree. It turns out its not a tree! It had a face and it used to play with me and talk to me!”

  She began to laugh.

  “Why is that funny? Did you know?”

  “No, I didn’t. However, I’m not surprised.” She explained

  “As a child, you were full of joy and were always so playful. The tree you are talking about must be an old druid. You must have gone to the lake quite a bit and he would have felt your Fae energy.”

  “Wait.” I interrupted

  “What’s a druid?”

  “Ah yes, a druid is a different type of Fae, they have healing magic and often live deep in the forest and can communicate with the wildlife around them.”

  “So why was he a tree?”

  “It is said that rarely when a druid is about to die, they perform a ritual to preserve their soul into the forest around them. In this case the oak tree.”

  “Oh, ok I get it kind of like a rebirth, but he retains his memories?”

  “More like a soul transferral. This way he doesn’t have to die. There must have been a reason he wanted to live, an unfulfilled purpose perhaps. Do you understand now?” she asked

  “Yes, I believe so, But I wonder why I couldn’t remember him. It has been a while since I visited the lake but something that amazing I should have remembered.”

  “Well you were rather young, perhaps you had forgotten or perhaps the druid hid the memories from you.”

  “But why? He was my friend.”

  “Yes, that may be the case, but you were young, maybe he didn’t want you to talk about the time you shared in front of the humans. They may not have reacted so well to a talking tree.” She had a point.

  “Oh, one last thing, about my memory. He said that I might be able to regain my wings. Do you think that’s possible?”

  “That depends on what happened to them, you told me the doctor took them, but perhaps you stored them away for you. They are your wings if they were not destroyed you have a chance of flying again.” There was a small twinkle in her eye when she spoke of flying.

  “Do you have wings, Cara?”

  “Yes, they are magnificent. They shine blue and purple in the sunlight, and they carry me so high into the sky without fail.” A single tear rolled down her cheek.

  “What happened to them?”

  “I left them at hollow hill when I was sent to find you,” she explained, sad but still smiling.

  “Now,” She said, wiping the tears.

  “We’d better head upstairs so you can say your goodbyes, you never want to start a journey after midday on a Sunday, It's bad luck you know.”

  “Oh, that’s a silly superstition,” I said heading toward the cellar door.

  “Hmm, that’s what you think,” she said under her breath

  Chapter 5

  Saying my goodbyes was sad but exciting, it wouldn't be the last time I saw them. Right?

  “Do you have everything you need? Some food for the road? Remember I hid some coin in the liner of your bag. Don’t forget to stay away from strangers. Don’t spend all your silver in one place, I know the nice fancy inns will be tempting, but a bed is a bed. Oh and…”

  “Cara!” I shouted with a smile.

  “I’ll be fine. I promise I will take care of myself.”

  “I know, I know.” She shook her head in agreeance.

  I gave Harland a big bear hug and squeezed as hard as I could, then started walking toward the door.

  “Wait.” Cara called out as she scurried over.

  “Your druid friend. Go see if his soul still resides in the oak.”

  “Ok, but why?”

  “If he is your friend, perhaps he can teach you a few techniques.”

  “Like what? He's a tree?” I asked quizzically

  “No. He's a druid, stuck in a tree. I’m sure he can still cast.”

  “True, but what spells should I ask him to teach me?”

  As I asked my mind started to wander. My wild imagination took over. Maybe he can teach me how to turn all the evil people into frogs? Or maybe I can cast a spell on Harland and give him a pig's nose. Oh, that would be funny, or perhaps he can teach me how to grow wings. I felt my eyes grow wide and a smirk appeared on my face.

  “Aisling. Are you even listening to me?” Cara shook me back to reality.


  “Yes, sorry. Go on.”

  Ahem, she persisted on clearing her throat to make sure she had my attention.

  “As I was saying, maybe he can teach you a communication spell or a healing spell in case you're ever in danger.”

  “Ya! That would be cool.”

  Not as cool as the ones I thought of but still could come in handy.

  “Ok, well I’ll be back as soon as I can! I promise.” I said waving goodbye one last time.

  First things first, I should make my way toward the lake and see if that oak is still there. I wonder if he will remember me. It has been over 10 years. Oh wait. What if he's there but he doesn't know it's me, so he doesn't say anything, I doubt I’ll meet another druid on my way to meet this so-called doctor. I’ll figure it out I'm sure.

  Who knew passing through the gates of the village walls would be so liberating? I’m free to find out who I am and what I should do with my life. I don’t have to be a maid or a servant anymore. Today is the day my life begins, I thought as I skipped past the guards and on toward the heavily wood forest just north of the village.

  The sun was dripping through the canopy of leaves at the tip top of the tall trees, birds were chirping all around, squirrels were chasing each other up and down the tree sides. What a peaceful place. I felt at ease as soon as I stepped into the forest. Why did I ever stop coming here? I walked for a good half hour before I could hear the waves rippling over the rocks at the edge of the lake. The smell of the crowfoot drifting in the water consumed the air around. I must be close I thought as I hurried down the makeshift path of stones. Making my way down the little hill I caught a glimpse of the water, so I ran a little faster.

  Why was I so excited? I couldn’t help myself; it was like I missed this place yet just a few hours ago I had forgotten it. The flowers around were in full bloom even though there had been a downpour for days, it was quite a sight to see. The only proble
m is there were tons of oak trees around. How am I supposed to know which one was the druid? Should I call out to him? Or maybe ignore that he's here, and he will find me?

  As I walked toward the back side of the lake, I felt like I was being watched. I looked around but saw no one. Could it be him? Out of the corner of my eye I saw rustling in the bush at the base of a large tree. Curious as I was, I began to creep toward the noise. As I got close the movement stopped, there was a thick feeling of suspense in the air. I could feel the little hairs on my arm sticking up. I lowered myself to see if there was anything in the bush as I slowly moved the branches.

  “Get away from me!!” Shouted a tiny creature.

  In a moment of pure instinct, I jumped back with my hands covering my face. The roots around rose to create a wall in front of me. When the fear subsided, the roots lay back in their place. What just happened? Did the trees protect me? Oh right, little creature.

  It looked like a rabbit but had the antlers of an elk, with stripes running down its back. Also, I think it spoke?

  “I’m sorry to have frightened you.” I said to the shaking creature.

  “Frightened? You scared the life out of me. I thought for sure you were a hunter, or something coming to capture and torture me.” His little paws still covered his eyes.

  “Hey now, it's ok. I won't hurt you. I’m a friend, I promise.” I claimed in the softest voice I had.

  His shaking slowed as well as his breathing, he began to lower his paws when he finally saw me, he gasped.

  “What are you? I’ve never seen anything so amazing!” He proclaimed in wonder.

  Amazing. Well that's a first. I thought.

  “Oh, and why do you say that?”

  “You’re in human form but your energy is magical. Your eyes tell two different stories.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked with hesitation.

  “You have one of Fae, and one of human. You are magnificent. Your spirit has seen many wars, yet you smile. Your aura radiates violet and white.”